G-QX2VL8S3F1 Health Savings Account Plans - California Health Agents California Health Agents

Blue Choice PPO Bronze Plans

Our Rating:

All Bronze plans offer the same set of essential health benefits, quality and amount of care. The differences are how much your premium costs each month, what portion of the bill you pay for things like hospital visits or prescription medications, and how much your total out-of-pocket costs are. Bronze Plans have a lower monthly premium and often lower out-of-pocket costs than silver plans. Blue Choice Bronze Plans are catastrophic plans that are health savings account (HSA) eligible. Bronze plans cover 100% or 80% of costs once you reach your deductible, depending on the coinsurance of the plan.

Blue Choice Bronze Plans are HSA compatible plans, which combined with tax-favored savings account combined allows you to fund health care expenses with pre-tax money.

There are 2 Blue Choice Bronze Plan Options:

Blue Choice PPO Network

The Blue Choice Bronze Plans use the Blue Choice network, one of the largest PPO networks in Wisconsin.

Key Blue Choice Bronze® plan features include:

  • 80% coinsurance after deductible for the Bronze Plan 005
  • 100% coinsurance after deductible for the Bronze Plan 006
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Maternity Coverage
  • Well-adult care covered at 100%, no deductible
  • Well-child care, covered at 100%, no deductible
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Hospital services
  • Access to the BlueCard PPO network when traveling out-of-state
  • Optional dental coverage

BlueChoice Bronze® may be right for you if you are an individual or family who:

  • Seeks lower cost coverage
  • Does not regulary have doctor visits
  • Would like an HSA compatible plan

Compare the features, options and costs of Bronze® plans to find the one that’s right for you.

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